
Friday, September 10, 2010

Founded on Religious Tolerance, What?

The President said, "The idea that we would burn the sacred texts of someone else's religion is contrary to what this country stands for. It is contrary to what this nation was founded on. And you know, my hope is that this individual prays on it and refrains from doing it." (9/10/2010)

Our country wasn't founded on religious tolerance but was founded on keeping the government out of the church's business. The first settlers were far from tolerant.

I don't understand how the imam can have a mosque near ground zero, which is highly offensive, and call it a legal issue but when a paster in Florida wants to burn religious books the government feels it must step in and stop him.

Ummm, Mr. President you staying out of the church's business is what this nation was founded on not tolerance.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Blog Publishing Software

So, I am trying a new way to update the blog so that I can keep this update far more frequently then I have in the past. Lets see if this works.

Burning the Koran

News Article

Umm, why?

This paster and church have every right to burn the Koran but what I don't understand is why would you? I know some people will say the terrorist will use this to fuel more hatred or that the church is showing hatred toward muslims but none of that is the real issue.

If this is a christian church they need to stand up and display the superiority of the Bible by what the Bible teaches and not by burning the opposition. This is what bullies do. They tear down others to make themselves appear superior.

I think they are making the wrong decision and should re-evaluate their goals.